Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I've researched home businesses for years and have found very few that deliver on their promise. A successful venture will allow you to make money yourself and through referrals, thus allowing you to both put as much time in as you want based on how much money you want to make, and to have others make money for you while you sleep, play, etc.

Making money online is very elusive unless you find the right opportunities. If you have patience and are diligent, it can be very fun and rewarding. Most people won’t be able to replace their daytime jobs with most online businesses, but it is quite possible to make good money online if you learn the tricks of the trade. Google cash used to be productive until they changed their rules. Cashcrate is one of the few GPT ("get paid to") sites that you can keep making money off of as a fun hobby. If you're interested, follow the following steps.

Step 1

Go to Cashcrate ( ) to sign up for an account. If you don’t think this is a legitimate business you can google reviews for cashcrate and read it for yourself. Always do your own research! This is a legitimate GPT site and you can make money from it.

Step 2

Download Roboform. The website is This will save you time because this software saves your usernames, passwords, and other information so that you wont’ have to type it in each time.

Step 3

Make a long email with Your email should contain 30 characters so that when you do the offers you can do the same offers by adding a period between your email. An example is can become or .

Step 4

Go create a free phone number. This will prevent the telemarketing from calling your main phone. You can sign up at,, or I prefer the most. Get a phone number with the area code of what you live at.

Step 5

Go to to create a free Paypal account. Most GPT sites will send you a check as a payment, but some will pay you by Paypal so you want to take advantage of this. I think Paypal is a much better option than receiving a check because it’s quicker and safer. Be sure to link your Paypal to your bank account in order to transfer money from your Paypal to your bank account.

Step 6

Get CCleaner at This software will clear your cookies very quickly as it can help you with more than just doing GPT sites such as Cashcrate. This software is free as well. Make sure to use this software to clean your cookies everytime you finish a GPT site.

Step 7
Get people to join Cashcrate through your referral link. Cashcrate is one of the few lucrative GPT sites that pay really well for their referrals. Just advertise your referral link through websites such as eHow, Myspace, Facebook, Xomba, Triond, Hubpages, Blogger, Associated Content, Squidoo, your personal website & blog, and forums. Start teaching people how to make money with Cashcrate and you’ll earn a percentage of what they earn as well. So join today!